Professional photographers urged to take action against copyright infringes
Professional photographers urged to take action against copyright infringes
Professional photographers in all sectors need to make sure they keep their eyes peeled for anyone taking and using their photographs without permission.
We’re advising photographers in an increasing number of cases. Don’t forget that you can call us any time for advice on any aspect of your photography work.
In a recent case, a music photographer in California sued a merchandiser for selling a T- shirt that featured one of his images of a hip hop group.
The merchandising unit of Live Nation allegedly sold a style guide to Old Navy and in this it authorised the Gap Inc subsidiary to use photos of band Run DMC.
However, the photographer contends that they had no right in using his images and that he owns the copyright. The case is still going on. Unfortunately with the widespread use of the internet, this type of case has become ever more prolific. The message is still not out there and many people still don’t realise they can’t just take pictures without permission. As a professional photographer, be on your guard for people taking your images whether they do this innocently or not. If you need any advice, call us on the steps you can take.