‘To Host an Event or not’ ‘To Attend or Not to Attend’…these are the questions?
Shakespeare was thinking of something else entirely when he penned the muse ‘to be or not to be’, which roughly translates ‘to live or not to live’.
Covid has however resulted in Governments across the globe wrestling with a variant of this theme. Let populations live or coral and contain them.
As we approach the latest attempt by The Photography Show organisers to host this live and in person Trade Show at the NEC in September, things appear to be taking a slight turn for the worse with new outbreaks of new variants of Covid19.
Event organisers and exhibitors will be holding their breath…again and prospective visitors to the show will be keeping an eye on developments.
By the time it is published it is likely to have changed again. By the time of the trade show, it will almost certainly have changed again, hopefully for the better.
For all suppliers serious about and committed to this industry it has always been a ‘must not miss’ event engraved in their diaries. A chance to actually meet huge numbers of existing and prospective customers face to face and feel renewed by the energy and vibrancy of this eclectic creative bunch.
A marvellous one stop shop for all manner of takeaways that could elevate skill sets and business ambitions or just add another piece of kit or two to the collection.
Infocus Insurance has again committed itself to the principle of the ‘Show must go on’. We will be there……if permitted.
New tee shirts chocolate frogs and show offers at the ready with new members of the expanding team.
Hand gels and masks at the ready we will be looking meet as many people as possible to share our insurance knowledge and advice……not hugs or bugs.